I have totally been neglecting my blog, among many other things. School and work has set me off in a whirlwind and I've kind of been loosing touch with the little extras in life that really matter; take this blog for instance, I take great pleasure in sharing through this blog and I have been longing to make an entry. HERE GOES!
Adjusting to school has been going over pretty good. I'm loving my classes and loving being back in the arena with peers and friends. I get to see amazing work like this:

by my friend
and this:
by my friend
I've been working with a very talented and inspiring photographer,
LeAnn Mueller, which has been fantastic; it's nice to still be a student yet find a place learning in the commercial "real world" after being gone and coming back home.
I spent some time with friends, this last weekend, at Noah and Mickey Trescott's farewell Barebeque.
I worked on a couple of composites, for homework, with some friends, which was nice because it gave me a chance to catch up with some friends and get my work done at the same time.

I've been working really hard on getting myself prepared for graduation review, which is set for tomorrow afternoon; this is my final checkpoint before moving on to graduation (besides passing my core classes, which hasn't been a problem over the past three years so I'm not anticipating any more obstacles once I make it out of grad-review). I started putting together a portfolio that was fairly commercial, which mostly came from class assignments; after discussing the direction of my portfolio with a couple of friends I came to the realization that I needed to take it into a new direction to achieve continuity and flow; I came up with something that I am really stoked about!

Beyond all this madness, I've been feeling the need to get out, take a break, and switch things up a bit. As fate would have it, my friend
Corey called me today and shared a similar sentiment which pushed us toward making plans to go on a little camping journey. The destination is an obvious change of scenery and the fact that we have committed to leaving our digital cameras behind and shooting film has us pretty amped! I'll leave you with that; a story to look forward to!