it is official, I am embarking on an epic adventure to the
other side of the world!!! It has been a distant dream of mine, since this time last year, to go to
Japan in April to see the
cherry blossoms in bloom and to experience the
culture and beauty that
Japan has to offer. The dream's tangibility has risen and fallen as time has passed and I became somewhat disenfranchised with it,
to the point of excepting that it might not happen at all. During the later part of 2008 a friend of mine proposed a short trip to Cabo San Lucas, that never panned out, but still I got the travel bug. That very same friend just recently made the decision to move to
Noosa, Australia for an indefinite time and after hearing this I created the plan of visiting him and also realizing my dream of visiting
Japan. I figured that because
I am still a student am in school, and I have a
lack of certain obligations that will soon follow graduation, now would be the best time to take this journey; the ease of picking up and leaving might become a little more difficult the further into a career I get.
The next step was figuring how to take this trip and fit it in with my year-round school schedule. I made the decision to present a request for an independent study, at school, that would allow me
to travel for the entirety of the session (7 weeks) and receive credit for a class. I submitted a proposal that loosely estimated by departure and arrival dates with a rough outline of what each week might entail. The first submission was a little rough, but after a meeting with faculty and a thought out revision I submitted a proposal that had a little more clarity and as a result I received approval, from school, to receive class-credit for this independent study.
So I decided to split my seven weeks between
Australia and
Japan and book the trip. It's done.
it's happening!!I am going to be
leaving Los Angeles on March 3rd and flying to
Auckland, New Zealand, where I'll be staying, at the
Base Central Hostel, from Friday through Monday morning. Next, I fly to
Brisbane, Australia, on March 9th and from there I will take the train to
Noosa, where I'll be staying with my long time friends
Mike and Seton. My flight to
Tokyo, Japan leaves from
Melbourne on March 24th so I will be making my way down there to visit my friend
Lex for a few days before I go. I arive in
Tokyo on March 25th and I will most likely stay there for a day or two, before making my way to
Osaka. I will be staying there with my good friend Luke. I am really looking forward to my stay in Japan, and this whole adventure in general. I fly from Osaka
back home to
Los Angeles on April 23rd.
So there you have it.... Those are
my plans and I am truly
thrilled to have them. I am