Thursday, February 26, 2009


Yesterday was rad. The day was somewhat uneventful, or at least that's how it felt; I'm still struggling with jet-lag. I ran some errands during the day today, I rode one of the guys bikes to a few shops and stores to get myself set up with a cooling system for the loft; it's awfully hot and I'm not the biggest fan of waking up in a sweat. In the early evening Mike, Seton and I went out to a new friends going away barbeque. Her name was Nikki and she was a most gracious host. All-in-all there were about 8 of us at the barbeque. Although I'm pretty serious about being on a wheat-free/gluten-free raw pescatarian diet, I went out on a limb and tried a few bites of Kangaroo tonight. I scoffed at the idea when the boys and I went out to purchase the food for the barbeque, earlier in the day, but when it was on the barbeque I decided I should try it; I think it had the appeal of making for an interesting and shocking story. Toward the end of the evening I went out a bar with a few friends and caught a cab home in the pouring rain. I love that it'll be a glorious sunny beautiful day and then, out of nowhere, crazy storms will roll in; the contrast is awesome.

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